Looking for retired ushers/greeters to help STL School
Calling All Retired Ushers and Church Greeters!
St. Luke's School is looking for retired, trained ushers to lend a helping hand during our Wedn...
Calling on our retired ushers and greeters
1 min read
Calling All Retired Ushers and Church Greeters!
St. Luke's School is looking for retired, trained ushers to lend a helping hand during our Wednesday 8:30 AM morning chapel services. This initiative, inspired by retired usher Marsha Sills, has already begun, with St. Luke's ushers now serving at the School Chapel every Wednesday at 8:30 AM.
The purpose of this ministry is threefold:
Supporting the School: We aim to strengthen our connection with and support for the school community on Chapel days.
Enhancing Security: Your presence will provide an additional layer of security and reassurance for our children and staff during Chapel days.
Welcoming Visitors: We want to extend a warm welcome to any visitors who join us for our Chapel services.
This call for service also extends to trained Church Greeters. If you haven't had the chance to experience a school chapel service, you're missing out on an uplifting experience. Head of Ushers, Bill McNaughton, has been thoroughly impressed by the joyful noise of "enthusiastic" singing and instrument playing. As he puts it, "the school really knows how to rock it!"
To sign up and become part of this wonderful endeavor, please get in touch with:
Brookie Allphin at brookie.allphin@att.net
Bill MacNaughton at labill@cox.net
Your contribution to our Chapel services and school community will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a positive impact!