This fall, St. Luke's Kids of the Kingdom Sunday School class, which starts at 10:15 am for ages 3 through high school, will focus on serving our comm...
Fall 2021 Sunday School for ages 3 through high school
1 min read
Kids of the Kingdom
Fall 2021 Sunday School Class
Ages 3 through High School
10:15 am - 10:45 am
This fall, St. Luke's Kids of the Kingdom will focus on serving our community. Kids of all ages will gather in Witter Hall for lessons on loving our neighbor. Each week we will hear a bible lesson, apply it to our own community, and talk about how we can serve the same types of people that Jesus served.
We will make cards and crafts to distribute to our neighbors, hoping to make their day better and to see a little bit of Jesus from the kids at St. Luke's.
We hope you'll join us to spread His love each week.